Social engineering

Hackers will always use human error to steal or destroy an organization’s information. It is essential to educate and train your employees.

How can educating my employees strengthen the security of my organization?

The employees of an organization are mostly targeted by hackers and therefore have a major role to play in protecting the information they process, share and archive. The risk culture must become a major issue and allow them to adapt their behavior to the increasingly complex threats.

0 % of compromises

are of human origin

Source: 2019 Proofpoint Annual Report

0 % of attacks

of phishing/social engineering targeted small businesses

Source: PurpleSec, Cybersecurity Statistics 2021

Strengthen your organization's social engineering with

Any cybersecurity plan would be incomplete if it did not take into account the training of employees to cyber risks. It is fundamental to set up an awareness of the teams and an assiduous follow-up of their integration of cybersecurity best practices.

The commitment of your employees inevitably involves internal communication. Communicate to make people see, understand and adopt good cyber practices. To reduce the risk of your data being compromised due to human error, employees must feel concerned and involved in the organization’s security.

In order to build a solid barrier for data security, concrete solutions must be made available to employees. A password manager allows the generation of strong and unbreakable codes, stored in a secure safe, whose rights and access can be shared between users and revoked at any time.

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Protect your organization by raising awareness and developing collective intelligence

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Once the solutions are installed, we ensure that your team can :

  • Get the most out of the cyber solution
  • Be autonomous in the day-to-day use of the cyber solution

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